吳彥祖大推!IMDb 8.8分高評Netflix影集《魔水晶:抗爭時代》三大看點-DramaQueen電視迷
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吳彥祖大推!IMDb 8.8分高評Netflix影集《魔水晶:抗爭時代》三大看點

By 香港01 2019-09-20 2019-09-20 16:23

男神兼美劇《荒原》(Into the Badlands)製作人暨主演吳彥祖Daniel Wu)本月初在 IG 上分享了 Netflix 奇幻影集《魔水晶:抗爭時代》(The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance)的螢幕截圖,並給予高度讚賞。不止是他,就連家中的女兒也喜愛觀看。客觀點說,單是因 IMDb 的 8.8 分就已經值得一看。那麼這部人偶劇有什麼看點?單看頭 10 分鐘可能會覺得不明所以,覺得只是一個歷險故事,其實故事的核心就是想顯淺易明的向小朋友解釋抗爭的意義。


▼ 吳彥祖在 IG 大推《魔水晶:抗爭時代



Ok I am going to let you in on a secret obsession of mine. The Dark Crystal was my favorite movie as a kid and is still in my top ten. I must have seen it more than 100. So I was more than excited to find out they were doing a new one and not just a remake but a prequel and not just a one off movie but a 10 episode series!! Which means more Gelflings, more back story and a set up for the original film. At first I thought they would just do it with computer animation but to my surprise it was done with puppets just like the original with some minor computer graphic enhancement. I am only 3 episodes in but so far it is GREAT! I went in with a very critical eye but was pleasantly surprised. And the best part of it is my daughter is into it too so we finally have something to bond over. Anybody else out there a Dark Crystal fan? What did you think of the new series? #thedarkcrystal #thedarkcrystalageofresistance @netflix

Daniel Wu 吴 彦 祖(@thatdanielwu)分享的貼文 於 張貼


黑暗童話人偶劇 大人小孩都適合看

Netflix 奇幻影集《魔水晶:抗爭時代》於 2019 年 8 月上架,其實這部影集改篇自 1982 年上映的同名電影《魔水晶》(The Dark Crystal)。有別於迪士尼的動畫電影,採用全實景以及真實的人偶演出,是故在當時來說十分有開創性。比起坊間「嘻嘻哈哈」的動畫,此劇又更為貼近生活中成年人遇到的黑暗,上一秒劇情還描述著男主角與女友之間的愛情,下一秒男主角的女友就死於非命,還是以最恐怖的形式─被抽乾化成一碗「生命之水」,死的十分乾脆。


