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  3. 愛酒成癡不如自己賣!十位投入酒品事業的好萊塢巨星


By Thom 2019-11-22 2020-08-07 15:53

不少好萊塢巨星投入酒品事業,擁有自己的品牌。奧斯卡男星喬治克隆尼(George Clooney)與友人共同成立的龍舌蘭酒品牌「Casamigos」,2017 年被英國酒品集團帝亞吉歐(Diageo)以十億美元收購,讓喬治克隆尼登頂 2018 年富比士收入最高男星排行榜



絕命毒師》(Breaking Bad)主演布萊恩克萊斯頓Bryan Cranston)與亞倫保羅Aaron Paul),去年七月共同創立龍舌蘭烈酒品牌「Dos Hombres」,暗示性的宣傳還一度讓粉絲以為是在宣傳《絕命毒師》續集電影《續命之徒:絕命毒師電影》(El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie)。


把運動服飾品牌「FABLETICS」經營得有聲有色的凱特哈德森Kate Hudson),近期將事業觸角延伸至酒品產業,成立伏特加品牌 King St. Vodka。




凱特哈德森Kate Hudson
品牌:King St. Vodka


2019年十一月中凱特哈德森發表伏特加品牌 King St. Vodka,名稱以過去她在紐約居住的街道為靈感,並注入些許加州聖塔芭芭拉的風情。


凱特哈德森表示:「我一直覺得烈酒業很迷人,我喜歡 Dirty Vodka Martinis,在全新的領域創業對我而言很有挑戰性。我的理念是以喜歡的口感來研發一種伏特加,裝在漂亮的瓶子裡,讓我想要在我的吧台與朋友分享。」



-尼克強納斯(Nick Jonas)
品牌:Villa One


歌手暨演員尼克強納斯(Nick Jonas),2019年八月與時尚設計師約翰瓦維托斯(John Varvatos)合作發表龍舌蘭品牌 Villa One。2018 年兩人與家人友人一同前往墨西哥旅行,萌生了創立自己酒品品牌的念頭。於是和多明尼加雪茄廠商 Arturo Fuente、蘇托利集團(Stoli Group)合作,共同催生 Villa One。



-巨石強森(Dwayne Johnson)
品牌:Teremana Tequila


2019年十月,巨石強森跨足酒界,正式發表個人龍舌蘭品牌 Teremana Tequila。巨石強森一直都很喜歡龍舌蘭,喜歡到創立自己的品牌。當時他在 IG 解釋品牌名稱 Teremana,前者指大地的、後者指引領我們的偉大玻里尼西亞精神,說道:「經歷多年努力工作,這就像是夢想成真。不過這只是開始而已,還有很多工作要完成。我將和團隊交出最棒的龍舌蘭,品質與傳承是最重要的。」



萊恩雷諾斯Ryan Reynolds
品牌:飛行琴酒(Aviation Gin)


萊恩雷諾斯飾演的「死侍」曾代言龍舌蘭品牌艾瓏(Espolon),不過現實生活中的萊恩雷諾斯,2018 年買下琴酒品牌-飛行琴酒(Aviation Gin),更不時在社群網站大力宣傳。當年愛妻布蕾克萊芙莉Blake Lively)主演電影《失蹤網紅》(A Simple Favor),也不放過宣傳的機會,多次在電影置入飛行琴酒。



-巴布狄倫(Bob Bylan)
品牌:Heaven's Door


搖滾傳奇詩人巴布狄倫 2018 年合作酒廠 Marc Bushala,以 Heaven's Door 為品牌推出波本、雙桶、裸麥三款不同風味的威士忌,還特地以巴布狄倫的鐵工藝作品打造瓶身。



查寧塔圖(Channing Tatum)
品牌:Born and Bred Vodka


2017 年查寧塔圖發表自有伏特加品牌 Born and Bred,與美國愛達荷州的釀酒廠商 Grand Teton 合作,以馬鈴薯為原料釀造伏特加。當時他還自我調侃,透露曾經是脫衣舞男的他後來成為演員,如今又投入伏特加事業,已經沒有什麼事會讓他感到驚奇。



布萊恩克萊斯頓Bryan Cranston
亞倫保羅Aaron Paul
品牌:Dos Hombres


2019年八月《絕命毒師》演員搭檔亞倫保羅布萊恩克萊斯頓不時在 Instagram 揭曉兩人合作推出龍舌蘭烈酒品牌 Dos Hombres。Dos Hombres 在西班牙文指的是兩個男人,正好就是亞倫保羅布萊恩克萊斯頓兩位創始人。Dos Hombres 的產地位於墨西哥製造梅斯卡爾重鎮瓦哈卡州偏遠村莊,特別委託當地釀造多代的釀酒商製造。



Walk into the weekend like these Hombres. Yes, we at @doshombres are already thinking about the weekend. 

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伊恩桑莫哈德Ian Somerhalder
保羅衛斯里Paul Wesley


美國男星伊恩桑莫哈德Ian Somerhalder)、保羅衛斯里Paul Wesley)在美劇《噬血Y世代》(The Vampire Diaries)飾演薩爾瓦多吸血鬼兄弟,現實生活中私交甚篤,合作打造自己的波本酒品牌,品牌名更叫BROTHERS BOND ,以見哥倆的好交情。



Doing some of my favorite things: drinking/savoring my OWN bourbon, editing photos and working with the team from a @wheelsup8760 King Air 350i on my way to China. Yup, meaning OUR own bourbon... Can you imagine if the Salvatore brothers had their OWN bourbon? Well, it’s coming! @paulwesley and I have been working our asses off with our incredible team to make this happen. WITH passion, hard work and an uncompromising quest/thirst for quality, we have arrived! We want to share with you something very special and dear to us. You’ve given us so many wonderful years as these characters and we want to bring you something to enjoy that brings back some great memories and some good times to come! It’s going to be fun. We’re going to be traveling the WOLRD meeting so many of you and launching this with some very fun parties I must say! How many of you want a taste!? What do you look for in a bourbon? What does your guy or gal look for in a bourbon? Let me know in the comments- I can’t wait to read them! I’m working tirelessly to create and build great companies with products that mean something to you and the world. To generate revenue through business and in turn use those resources for good. Part of our company mission and ethos is to invest profits into helping our world through regenerative agriculture and farming practices. It’s the surest and quickest way to slow climate change by sequestering carbon and producing oxygen. This in turn protects and regenerates our precious water sources paving a way to a healthy future. This is about helping our communities, our farms and our farmers that work so hard to feed us all giving us life. It’s the best way to preserve life for us all and future the generations. I’m proud of the work we’re doing and I can’t wait to hear from you. I’m not there yet, I’m still going to need help with @isfofficial but I’m confident that this will be so successful that I can stop asking you for help and put some substantial projects together for a brighter and healthier present and future! We can’t wait to share this experience with you! Let’s do this! Who’s in??? Cheers!  Love, Damon and Stefan

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