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  3. 《神力女超人1984》正式殺青!蓋兒加朵IG感性致謝劇組與粉絲


2018-12-24 2018-12-24 11:27

DC 超級英雄電影《神力女超人》續集《神力女超人1984》(Wonder Woman 1984)於聖誕節前夕正式殺青,日前主演蓋兒加朵Gal Gadot)在 Instagram 發佈多張片場照,以及一長串感性文字致謝劇組和粉絲。歷時半年走訪三個國家、動員近千位工作人員拍攝,如今終於完成這項艱鉅任務,蓋兒加朵除了感謝,也預告電影 2020 年就能正式與觀眾見面。



We did it. Again!! And as much as the first time shooting Wonder Woman was amazing, this time was even more unique and special.. We shot in 4 very different locations in 3 countries, and I'm so soooo proud of the almost 1000 crew members who came to set every day, giving everything they have into our movie. Couldn't ask for better partners on this.. I'm so lucky to have the one and only Patty Jenkins, as my director. She always has our backs, she gives us the wings to dare, and everyday she helped us find the most creative version of ourselves .. I am so grateful to call her my friend. And to our AMAZINGly talented cast who made every day enjoyable and fun, thank you! Honestly.. Words cannot describe this experience.. This journey was so demanding and challenging but we all came and did our very best every take, every day, putting our all out there and I’m so proud... Thank you universe for this opportunity. I love this character. And thank you to all of you for being the best fans in the world. It was you that made me push myself every day. I'm so happy and excited, can't wait to share it with you in 2020! Gal

Gal Gadot(@gal_gadot)分享的貼文 於 張貼


蓋兒加朵在 Instagram 發表內容如下:



非常幸運能和這麼獨特的導演派蒂珍金斯Patty Jenkins)合作,不能再遇到這麼棒的夥伴了,她總是為我們撐腰,讓我們膽敢展翅飛翔,每日協助我們找到最有創造力的自我。很榮幸稱她為我的好友,也向我們了不起的演員們致上謝意,你們讓拍攝的每一天都很愉悅與有趣。



此刻我非常開心也非常興奮,迫不及待 2020 年與你們分享!


《神力女超人 1984》由前作導演派蒂珍金斯回歸執導,《伴娘我最大》女星克莉絲汀薇格Kristen Wiig)飾演反派角色豹女(Cheetah),《毒梟》男星佩德羅帕斯卡Pedro Pascal)飾演關鍵角色


《神力女超人 1984》故事發生在 1984 年,以美國與蘇聯冷戰為背景,詳細劇情尚未正式公開。根據今年六月釋出的劇照,上一集死亡角色-神力女超人的男友史提夫崔佛(Steve Trevor,克里斯潘恩 飾)驚現 1984 年的商場。到底他是如何回歸?只能有待電影播出後解釋。


《神力女超人 1984》定檔 2020 年 6 月 5 日在美國上映。(deadline



