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  3. Syfy取消恐怖美劇《零號頻道》!第四季「夢幻門」為最終季


By Thom 2019-01-17 2019-01-17 12:58

Syfy 恐怖懸疑美劇《零號頻道》(Channel Zero)自 2016 年播出首季以來締造不俗口碑,影評也給予高度評價。日前 Syfy 正式宣布取消該劇,去年播出的第四季為最終季。


主創尼克安托斯卡Nick Antosca)在 Instagram 公布此消息,並感謝觀眾與過去一起合作的對象。



CHANNEL ZERO: CANCELLATION NEWS After 4 seasons, Channel Zero is no more at SYFY. I loved making this show and I would have loved to do more… but I can’t complain too much about doing 4 stories I loved with people who I loved working with: People like our writers, our actors, our extraordinary crew, the artists who contributed, our editors and post team, our composer Jeff Russo, our team at Syfy and UCP. And especially the four awesome directors, Craig Macneill, Steven Piet, Arkasha Stevenson, and Evan Katz. And before all that, the authors of the original creepypasta stories. Kris Straub, Brian Russell, Kerry Hammond, and Charlotte Bywater. I’m deeply grateful for this experience. Especially to everybody who watched and talked about and wrote about the show. There are stories we didn’t get to tell and creatures you didn’t get to see, but still might.  Meanwhile, the first 3 seasons are currently on @shudder, and the 4th season will be soon. Enjoy. 

Nick Antosca(@nickantosca)分享的貼文 於 張貼


零號頻道》每一季劇情皆改編自網路恐怖社群 Creepypasta 發表故事,第一季《零號頻道:蠟燭灣》講述男主角相信一個80年代的神秘兒童節目引發一連串的夢魘及死亡事件;第二季《零號頻道:無盡恐怖屋》故事發想自都市傳說中一個比一個更駭人的恐怖房間;第三季《零號頻道:屠殺區》聚焦與神秘樓梯間有關的一系列離奇失蹤案件;第四季《零號頻道:夢幻門》描述新婚夫妻開啟地下室隱藏門,引領他們經歷無法解釋的恐怖遭遇。



