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  3. 【0221綜合新聞】Netflix《神棄之帝》再釋陣容!電玩《怒海戰記》開發為電視影集


By Thom 2019-02-21 2019-02-21 19:15


DramaQueen 電視迷每日精選多則歐美影視新聞,為涵蓋多元報導範圍,於本篇【綜合新聞】整理當天未成單篇新聞的外電消息精華摘要內容,並於文末附上當日單篇重大新聞標題與連結,讓您充分掌握全球影視脈動。


◆ 開發預訂◆


-遊戲廠商 Ubisoft 開發以女性為導向的《怒海戰記》(Skull & Bones)電玩改編影集,將與美劇《未來總動員》(12 Monkeys)製作公司 Atlas Entertainment 共同製作。



-傳奇娛樂即將在小螢幕開啟《綠野仙蹤》宇宙,取材自李曼.F.鮑姆(Lyman Frank Baum)創作小說,計畫打造全新影集。《出神入化》編劇艾德華瑞寇特(Edward Ricourt)將執筆劇本,訴說先前未探索的人物與故事。當放逐已久的女巫重返奧茲引爆戰爭與恐懼,可能成為最危險與最有力量的年輕女僕是他們唯一的希望。


◆ 幕前幕後陣容 ◆


-《芝加哥警署》女星蘇菲亞布希Sophia Bush)客串《貞愛好孕到》大結局,飾演角色目前保密中。



This is a man who is very grateful to be between two women who are literally changing the game. How cool that I get to work with amazing humans like this!? I’ve realized that there’s something about being in the presence of powerful women that actually grounds and calms me. (I mean look at who I married @emilybaldoni ) I’m so grateful that the supremely talented, kind-hearted and bad ass feminist- social justice warrior @sophiabush who I LOOOVE and adore came to play with us on @cwjanethevirgin this week. I can’t tell you who she is playing except that some of you may not be happy about it #canttellyou #sorrynotsorry #thefinalseason #march27

Justin Baldoni(@justinbaldoni)分享的貼文 於 張貼


-《閃電俠》女星潔西卡卡馬喬Jessica Camacho)加盟本月初 CBS 預訂律政影集《Courthouse》試播集飾演常規角色-強悍的公設辯護律師 Emily Lopez-Berarro,無畏地證明客戶的清白。



-《矽谷群瞎傳》查克伍茲(Zach Woods)加盟《副人之仁》主創阿曼多伊安努奇Armando Iannucci)打造全新 HBO 科幻喜劇影集試播集《Avenue 5》,查克伍茲將飾演常規角色 Matt Spencer,是太空船 Avenue 5 上顧客關係部門的主管。