《飛越比佛利》(Beverly Hills, 90210)、《河谷鎮》(Riverdale)男星盧克派瑞(Luke Perry)在上周因中風住院後,於美國時間周一去世,終年 52 歲。
盧克派瑞於 1966 年 10 月 11 日出生,1982 年出道後因《飛越比佛利》一劇走紅,在劇中飾演狄恩(Dylan)一角。該劇完結後,他陸續參演多部電視劇,包括《監獄風雲OZ》(Oz)、《Jeremiah》等。去世前正演出 CW 美劇《河谷鎮》,飾演男主角的父親佛瑞德(Fred),該劇也因盧克派瑞的去世停拍第三季,讓卡司群、劇組人員有處理傷痛的時間。
在盧克派瑞去世消息傳開後,許多曾與他合作的明星們也表達了不捨情感,包括《飛越比佛利》眾卡司伊恩齊爾林(Ian Ziering)、詹妮加斯(Jennie Garth)、姬比奧卡達尼斯(Gabrielle Carteris)、《河谷鎮》的演員們以及演藝圈眾多好友。
Dearest Luke,
— Ian Ziering (@IanZiering) March 4, 2019
I will forever bask in the loving memories we've shared over the last thirty years. May your journey forward be enriched by the magnificent souls who have passed before you, just like you have done here, for those you leave behind.
Dearest Luke- I am so heart broken and at a loss for words. You my friend were a mighty soul and have left your mark. My love and prayers to the family and all who loved you. RIP
— Gabrielle Carteris (@TheGabrielle_C) March 4, 2019
而盧克派瑞生前拍攝的最後一部電影作品《好萊塢殺人事件》(Once Upon a Time in Hollywood)主演李奧納多狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio)也同樣於推特緬懷這位極具才華的演員。他在推文中說道:「盧克派瑞是一位善良且非常有才華的藝術家。能夠與他共事是我的榮幸。」(ew、variety)
Luke Perry was a kindhearted and incredibly talented artist. It was an honor to be able to work with him. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his loved ones.
— Leonardo DiCaprio (@LeoDiCaprio) March 4, 2019