Amazon 奇幻美劇《時光之輪》(Wheel of Time)繼公布主演為《控制》女星羅莎蒙派克(Rosamund Pike)後,再宣布新一波卡司,包括荷蘭男星約書亞史特拉多夫斯基(Josha Stradowski)等五位演員加盟演出。
《時光之輪》改編自羅伯特喬丹(Robert Jordan)的奇幻史詩系列小說,背景設定在僅有女性能使用魔法力量的世界,聚焦力量強大的女性組織成員「沐瑞」(Moiraine,羅莎蒙派克 飾),描述她與五位男女共同踏上危險的冒險旅程。她相信這五人中有一個人是透過強大力量轉世而來的「轉生真龍」(Dragon Reborn),預言說此人可能將拯救人類,但也可能是毀滅者。
《神盾局特工》(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)拉夫朱德金斯(Rafe Judkins)執筆劇本並擔任節目統籌。《怪奇物語》(Stranger Things)導演烏塔布里斯魏茲(Uta Briesewitz)執導前兩集。
此次加盟演員如下:約書亞史特拉多夫斯基(Josha Stradowski)飾演蘭德亞瑟(Rand al’Thor),即為「轉生真龍」。
“It was not about me. It’s never been about me.” @joshastradowsk1 as Rand Al’Thor #WoTWednesday #TwitterOfTime
— The Wheel of Time on Prime (@WoTonPrime) August 14, 2019
《服從》馬庫斯盧瑟福(Marcus Rutherford)飾演佩林艾巴亞(Perrin Aybara),原為鐵匠學徒。
“It was about a man whose family was taken from him, but who stood tall in his sorrow and protected those he could.” @Marcus_Rudda as Perrin Aybara #WoTWednesday #TwitterOfTime
— The Wheel of Time on Prime (@WoTonPrime) August 14, 2019
《沙娜拉傳奇》(The Shannara Chronicles)柔依羅賓斯(Zoë Robins)飾演奈妮薇(Nynaeve),是伊蒙村的前鄉智。
“It was about a woman who refused to believe that she could not help, could not heal those who had been harmed.” Zoë Robins as Nynaeve #WoTWednesday #TwitterOfTime
— The Wheel of Time on Prime (@WoTonPrime) August 14, 2019
《億萬男孩俱樂部》巴尼哈里斯(Barney Harris)飾演麥特考松(Mat Cauthon),為蘭德好友。
“It was about a hero who insisted with every breath that he was anything but a hero.” @BarneyHarriso as Mat Cauthon #WoTWednesday #TwitterOfTime
— The Wheel of Time on Prime (@WoTonPrime) August 14, 2019
《朵拉與失落的黃金城》瑪德琳麥登(Madeleine Madden)飾演艾雯艾威爾(Egwene Al’Vere)曾與蘭德為戀人。
“It was about a woman who would not bend her back while she was beaten, and who shown with a light for all who watched.” @TigerMadden as Egwene Al’Vere #WoTWednesday #TwitterOfTime
— The Wheel of Time on Prime (@WoTonPrime) August 14, 2019
除了《時光之輪》外,Amazon 近年積極拓展奇幻類型影集,未來將推出的奇幻影集包括《魔戒》、《黑塔》及奧蘭多布魯(Orlando Bloom)和卡拉迪樂芬妮(Cara Delevingne)主演的《嘉年華大街》(Carnival Row,或譯《狂歡節謀殺》)。
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