迪士尼線上影音平台 Disney+ 打造《星際大戰》(Star Wars)首部真人影集《曼德羅一族》(暫譯,The Mandalorian)上週末於美國進行媒體試映,播放第一集前 27 分鐘,祭出的首波評價一致叫好,各大媒體紛紛盛讚:太棒了!令人驚艷!
美國《娛樂周刊》(EW)記者表示影集為一部調性類似 1977 年電影《星際大戰四部曲:曙光乍現》(STAR WARS EPISODE IV:A NEW HOPE)的太空西部片。其它媒體網站記者或編輯的評論如下:
-Collider 記者 Steven Weintraub:
看了《曼德羅一族》第一集前 27 分鐘,這個開啟《星際大戰》宇宙的方式很酷,與你期待的一樣棒。不能透露特定劇情,不過其中有一幕解釋了《星際大戰》電影可能從未探索的疑問。這正是我期待的《星際大戰》作品,我喜歡天行者的傳說,想要看新角色與新地點深入探索故事,只能透過影集的形式,迫不及待看更多集《曼德羅一族》。
Saw 27 minutes of @themandalorian. It's as awesome as you want it to be. Can't say anything specific but one scene answered a question that I don't think has ever been explained/shown in any @starwars movie. Love that it opens up the Star Wars universe in a cool new way. pic.twitter.com/vTxC427sVi
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) 2019年10月19日
This is the Star Wars thing I've been waiting for! While I love the Skywalker saga, I've wanted to see new characters and places explored in depth which can only be done over multiple episodes in a series format. Cannot wait to see more of @themandalorian. pic.twitter.com/exRmsLTYzU
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) 2019年10月19日
-Screenrant 編輯 Mansoor Mithaiwala:
Saw almost 30 minutes of #TheMandalorian footage this morning. It's truly incredible. It looks like the films, feels innately Star Wars, introduces new concepts, and adds layers that people have been waiting to see for a long time. pic.twitter.com/4JVB16pMAL
— Mansoor Mithaiwala (@MansoorAYM) 2019年10月19日
-Slash Film 編輯 Peter Sciretta:
Just saw almost 30 minutes of #TheMandalorian’s pilot episode. It feels like a thrilling return to the original trilogy era of Star Wars. It feels like a big scale movie, not a tv series. They are still keeping a lot of mystery with deliberate cuts in the footage.
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) 2019年10月19日
-Fandom 編輯 Eerie Eric Goldman:
非常酷,有時氛圍很像我喜歡的《星際大戰外傳:俠盜一號》(Rogue One: A Star Wars Story),主要人物瘋狂地令人著迷,有浩大的動作場面,也有懸疑橋段,還不時穿插著《終極戰士》(Predator)的感覺。
Just watched close to 25 minutes of footage from #TheMandalorian. It’s very cool and atmospheric - sometimes evoking the vibe of Rogue One (which I adore). The title character is instantly fascinating and there are great action and suspense moments, including some Predator vibes
— Eerie Eric Goldman (@TheEricGoldman) 2019年10月19日