作為線上影音平台先驅者,Netflix 近年不斷在選單頁面、訂閱方案等項目上做測試,最新一項則為影片調整速度功能。
根據《Android Police》的報導,近期有用戶在 Android 上的 Netflix 應用程式中,發現了影片調整速度的選項,包括 0.5 倍、0.75 倍、正常、1.25 倍以及 1.5 倍。
Netflix 影片調整速度選項/Android Police
《絕命毒師》(Breaking Bad)男星亞倫保羅(Aaron Paul)在推特轉發新聞,直接呼籲 Netflix 停止測試這項功能的舉動,表明如果這麼做,意味著他們會完全地控制其他人的藝術創作且毀了這些作品。
Stop. As the person talked about in this article I felt the need to speak out. There is NO WAY @netflix will move forward with this. That would mean they are completely taking control of everyone else’s art and destroying it. Netflix is far better than that. Am I right Netflix? https://t.co/fZDnYzvStN
— Aaron Paul (@aaronpaul_8) October 28, 2019
《愛》(Love)共同主創賈德阿帕托(Judd Apatow)表示,不要逼他必須打電話給地球上的每位導演、影集主創,要他們一起抵制這項功能,「省省我的時間。我會贏的,只是這要花大把的時間。」並希望 Netflix 能讓作品展現原本應該被看到的模樣。
No @Netflix no. Don’t make me have to call every director and show creator on Earth to fight you on this. Save me the time. I will win but it will take a ton of time. Don’t fuck with our timing. We give you nice things. Leave them as they were intended to be seen. https://t.co/xkprLM44oC
— Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) October 28, 2019
《蟻人》導演派頓瑞德(Peyton Reed)推特說道:「這是個糟糕的點子,我和其他我知道的導演們將會抵制這項功能的。」
Dear @Netflix,
— Peyton Reed (@MrPeytonReed) October 28, 2019
This is a terrible idea, and I and every director I know will fight against it.
Peyton Reed https://t.co/iPq10ywKfz
《超人特攻隊》導演布萊德博德(Brad Bird)則稱這項功能是 Netflix 又一個糟糕到不行的點子,並稱此是另一個對已經在淌血的觀影體驗造成傷害。
Whelp— another spectacularly bad idea, and another cut to the already bleeding-out cinema experience. Why support & finance filmmakers visions on one hand and then work to destroy the presentation of those films on the other??? https://t.co/T7QdYAQGHU
— Brad Bird (@BradBirdA113) October 28, 2019
《蜘蛛人:新宇宙》導演彼得拉姆齊(Peter Ramsey)則說道:「難道『用戶們』也會想要以 1.5 倍的速度去吃飯或做愛嗎?這樣對嗎?是不是每件事都得為那些最懶惰和最乏味的人們所設計呢?」
Do “customers” want to eat or have sex 1.5x faster too? Are they right? Does everything have to be designed for the laziest and most tasteless?
— Peter Ramsey (@pramsey342) October 28, 2019
對於此項功能,Netflix 證實他們的確正在測試中,但還未確定是否會永久保留。
Netflix 發言人在聲明中說道:「我們一直在嘗試新的方法以幫助會員們使用 Netflix。這項測試可以改變人們在他們的手機上,觀看節目的速度。與其它任何的測試相同,它可能不會在 Netflix 上成為永久的功能。」(EW、Android Police)
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