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  3. 亨利卡維爾愛狗超護主!被關《獵魔士》片場拖車防止加入混戰


By Catherine 2019-12-12 2019-12-12 15:15

英國男星亨利卡維爾Henry Cavill)不時在 Instagram 發布愛狗凱爾(Kal)的照片,讓外界都相當明瞭他與狗狗間的感情有多好。然而,超愛主人的凱爾卻在亨利卡維爾拍攝《獵魔士》(The Witcher)期間被關在拖車休息室中,究竟拍片現場發生了什麼事呢?






今年五月底時,亨利卡維爾在 Instagram 上發布兩張愛狗趴在行李架上,無精打采的模樣,透露牠和一隻貓咪追逐搏鬥後受傷的故事。雖然他未指出拍攝項目,但從時間點看來,當時凱爾應該就在《獵魔士》的片場,上演一齣精采的寵物對決。



Allow me to explain.....yesterday, while I was in hair and make up and Kal was in his usual place, sitting by the open door watching the world go by, a brave member of the house cat species, decided to venture close...totally unbeknownst to me. After hearing the initial explosion of noise as Kal launched himself from the trailer. I was up and out of my seat, doing my best not to send my surprised make up artist, Ailbhe, flying. My feet hit the ground outsider the make-up trailer to the chorus of various pleas for Kal to stop. What ensued was a chase to rival the likes of the Helicopter chase in Mission Impossible. Cat versus Dog, Dog versus every single obstacle the cat managed to place in-between it and my charging hound. Walls, fences, hay bails, pigs and people. Hot on their heels and trying to judge which direction they would go next so I could intercept Kal, I zigged when I should have zagged. Cat went left, I went right. Cat went into a barn and Kal followed. The next time I see Kal he has a mouthful of dirt, and a chest covered in mud. You'll be please to know that the cat made it free, but looked about 30 years older. Unfortunately my action dog, much like all the great action stars of our time, came out with an injury. A strained shoulder, which he is struggling to walk on. Last night I carried him to my room, which, while very cute looking, wasn't so practical. So today, I introduce Kal's newest ride, his royal chariot, I just hope he doesn't get too used to it. #ActionKal #KingKal

Henry Cavill(@henrycavill)分享的貼文 於 張貼




獵魔士》改編自波蘭國寶級作家安傑薩普科夫斯基(Andrzej Sapkowski)的系列小說,講述和平共存的大地變為局勢混亂的國度,主角獵魔人「利維亞的傑洛特」(Geralt of Rivia)擁有的能力使他可以對抗致命怪物,但同時他也將被捲入一場複雜的陰謀。


兩大女主角葉奈法(Yennefer,或譯葉妮芙)和希里(Ciri,或譯奇莉)分別由《愛出走》(Wanderlust)英國女星安雅夏隆查Anya Chalotra)以及新人女星芙蕾雅艾倫Freya Allan)飾演。


獵魔士》已獲第二季續訂;第一季共八集將於 12 月 20 日在 Netflix 上線。(PeoplePeople






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