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  3. 14年抓馬落幕!《與卡黛珊同行》宣布2021年正式完結


By Catherine 2020-09-09 2020-09-09 13:08

美國長年不敗的真人實境秀節目《與卡戴珊同行》(Keeping Up With The Kardashians)將在 2021 年劃下句點!


多年來走過風風雨雨,美國名媛金卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)今日在 Instagram 宣告《與卡黛珊同行》將結束的消息。


她於貼文中寫道:「懷著一顆沉重的心,我們一家人做出艱難的決定,要告別《與卡戴珊同行》了。經過了 14 年、20 季,播出共數百集以及衍生節目後,我們要向過去多年來看著我們的觀眾們表達無法言喻的感謝。你們看著我們走過美好時光、遇上低潮,有喜悅也有眼淚,處在好幾段的情感關係中以及迎接小孩誕生。我們會永遠珍惜這些美好的回憶,以及在一路上遇見的許多人們。」


向粉絲致謝後,她接續提起節目夥伴 E! 頻道多年來的支持,還有許多隨之而來的商業合作機會。


「我們的最後一季將會在明年 2021 年初播出。」金卡戴珊在貼文結束前這麼寫道。


最後她抒發過去 14 年來演出《與卡戴珊同行》的心情,再次感謝每位看著她、支持著她的人。



To our amazing fans - It is with heavy hearts that we’ve made the difficult decision as a family to say goodbye to Keeping Up with the Kardashians. After what will be 14 years, 20 seasons, hundreds of episodes and numerous spin-off shows, we are beyond grateful to all of you who’ve watched us for all of these years – through the good times, the bad times, the happiness, the tears, and the many relationships and children. We’ll forever cherish the wonderful memories and countless people we’ve met along the way. Thank you to the thousands of individuals and businesses that have been a part of this experience and, most importantly, a very special thank you to Ryan Seacrest for believing in us, E! for being our partner, and our production team at Bunim/Murray, who’ve spent countless hours documenting our lives. Our last season will air early next year in 2021. Without Keeping Up with The Kardashians, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I am so incredibly grateful to everyone who has watched and supported me and my family these past 14 incredible years. This show made us who we are and I will be forever in debt to everyone who played a role in shaping our careers and changing our lives forever. With Love and Gratitude, Kim

Kim Kardashian West(@kimkardashian)分享的貼文 於 張貼


《與卡戴珊同行》自 2007 年開播後,在美國擁有極高收視率,不僅金卡戴珊,其家庭成員也都在美國娛樂界、體育界、商界間有不少話題。除了此節目外,後續衍生節目也不斷推出,從 2009 年第一部衍生節目《Kourtney and Khloé Take Miami.》到 2017 年開播的《Life of Kylie 》,十多年來不時可看到卡戴珊家族的身影。










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