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  3. 基特哈靈頓準備當爸!《冰與火》「女野人」曝優雅孕照


By Catherine 2020-09-28 2020-09-28 10:56

以《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》(Game of Thrones)走紅的英國男星基特哈靈頓Kit Harington)將當新手爸爸!


基特哈靈頓的妻子蘿絲萊斯莉Rose Leslie)近日為英國刊物《Make Magazine》新一期的封面人物,她身穿黑色洋裝挺著肚子,從照片中可以看出微微隆起的孕肚。



ROSE LESLIE we chat with Rose about her upcoming role in Death on the Nile , her lockdown experience and more. Not many people can pull off a Stella McCartney floor-length silk frock and a fashion shoot when expecting a baby but Rose showed no sign of fatigue on our world exclusive fashion shoot for the latest issue of Make. Photography by @billiescheepersphotography fashion editor @ursula_lake . Rose wears @stellamccartney exclusively throughout. Makeup by @justinejenkins hair by @liztaw . Beautiful graphic design as always by @deep_london #clickthelinkinbio to read the full interview by @hancathrand . #roseleslie #exclusive #interview #scoop #fashionshoot #makemagazine #neweditorial #gameoftheones #worldexclusive

MAKE magazine(@make_magazineuk)分享的貼文 於 張貼


同為 33 歲的兩人因戲結緣,蘿絲萊斯莉在《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》中飾演「女野人」耶哥蕊特(Ygritte)。


自 2012 年起傳出兩人交往後,期間歷經分手又復合,接著在 2017 年訂婚,最終於 2018 年中在蘇格蘭古堡舉行婚禮。


在《Make Magazine》的訪問中,蘿絲萊斯莉回顧在《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》中的拍攝,表示這是一次相當美好的經歷,且對於作為演員的她來說,這絕對是為她增加了許多與選角導演、製作們人洽談的機會。



ROSE LESLIE we chat with Rose about her upcoming role in Death on the Nile , her lockdown experience and more. Not many people can pull off a Stella McCartney floor-length silk frock and a fashion shoot when expecting a baby but Rose showed no sign of fatigue on our world exclusive fashion shoot for the latest issue of Make. Photography by @billiescheepersphotography fashion editor @ursula_lake . Rose wears @stellamccartney exclusively throughout. Makeup by @justinejenkins hair by @liztaw . Beautiful graphic design as always by @deep_london #clickthelinkinbio to read the full interview by @hancathrand . #roseleslie #exclusive #interview #scoop #fashionshoot #makemagazine #neweditorial #gameoftheones #worldexclusive

MAKE magazine(@make_magazineuk)分享的貼文 於 張貼






蘿絲萊斯莉結束《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》後,曾參演《傲骨之戰》(The Good Fight),在三季過後離開劇集。最新作品為即將上映的電影《尼羅河謀殺案》(Death on the Nile),與蓋兒加朵(Gal Gadot)、艾米漢默(Armie Hammer)一票當紅明星同台飆戲。











