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By Thom 2019-09-09 2019-09-09 21:42

美國犯罪故事:凡賽斯遇刺案》金球獎、艾美獎最佳有限影集/電視電影男主角戴倫克里斯Darren Criss)再合作王牌電視製作人瑞恩墨菲Ryan Murphy),將監製並主演 Netflix 原創影集《Hollywood》。


Hollywood》由《歡樂合唱團》(Glee)、《尖叫女王》(Scream Queens)主創搭檔瑞恩墨菲Ryan Murphy)與伊恩布魯南(Ian Brennan)合作打造,為繼喜劇影集《The Politician》與《飛越杜鵑窩》前傳影集《Ratched》後,第三部 Netflix 直接預訂成季的瑞恩墨菲製作影集。


日前戴倫克里斯在 Instagram 上傳與瑞恩墨菲的合照,以及瑞恩墨菲登上《時代雜誌》的封面宣布此消息:「很榮幸能回歸墨菲家族,我將在《Hollywood》擔綱主演,並與《時代雜誌》電視之王共同擔綱監製」。



Honored to say that I’m heading back to the House of Murphy where I’ll be starring in but also executive producing HOLLYWOOD with Time’s King of Television. Late last year, @mrrpmurphy and I had dinner where he shared that he wanted to do a period piece that was young and optimistic. We landed on the idea of a series covering several narratives from 1940s Hollywood. We both left that evening feeling super excited about its potential. Two days later Netflix bought it. Not only is that a testament to the magic of Ryan Murphy, it’s a reminder of the kind of thing that can only happen in Hollywood…literally. Limited Series coming to @netflix May 2020.

Darren Criss(@darrencriss)分享的貼文 於 張貼


關於《Hollywood》,目前官方尚未公開更多細節。今年二月瑞恩墨菲形容本劇為一封寫給好萊塢的情書,並宣布主體拍攝將於今夏展開。瑞恩墨菲:「《Hollywood》-我與伊恩布魯南共同主創的 Netflix 新劇將在今夏展開主體拍攝,這部已直接被預訂成季的影集是一封寫給好萊塢黃金年代的情書,為我在 Netflix 的第三個節目,期待這部影集並感到驕傲,請拭目以待…」。(deadline






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